Nearly 800,000 people work supplying food to New Yorkers. We traveled to every borough to talk to them about what they eat.
May 6th, 2019 | by Angela Wang | published in New York Sits Down to Dinner, New York Sits Down to Dinner 2019, slider, Uncategorized | Leave A Comment »
May 2nd, 2018 | by nytable | published in New York Sits Down to Dinner, Today's Special, Uncategorized | Leave A Comment »
Street-corner food carts and their bigger siblings, food trucks, are synonymous with the city. There’s a new aroma at every intersection: Pungent roasted chestnuts, dirty water dogs simmering in cisterns, yeasty pretzels, halal chicken or lamb piled into a gyro. Harried New Yorkers like to eat on the run. New York City is one of […]
May 4th, 2017 | by Emily Churchill | published in New York Sits Down to Dinner, slider, Uncategorized | Leave A Comment »
Though the restaurant world is dominated celebrity chefs and high-profile pop-ups, the real story is much more intricate – and interesting. Restaurants in New York state employ over 800,000 people, making up nine percent of state employment. Restaurants are in the midst dramatic changes, largely driven by new consumers and technology. Traditional fine dining is […]
April 29th, 2016 | by NYTable | published in New York Sits Down to Dinner, slider | Leave A Comment »
New York City falls 241 million meals short in a year — that’s the gap between what the city’s residents need and what they can afford. In our annual “New York Sits Down to Dinner” report, NYTable staffers tell the stories of people who don’t have enough to eat, and of the army of volunteers and advocates trying to put more and better food on their plates.